for Boys Games


Shooters, puzzles, RPG, strategies—choose whatever you like! This site is a mashup of favorite games for boys, where every strive for action can be satisfied. And if you don’t know what exactly you want today, let’s review some popular genres.

Kill or be killed. Shooters and fighters are rarely known for their deep plot, but game mechanics are what players return for again and again. The opportunities are countless: train your character, fire enemies with legendary ammo, overthrow the boxing ring, kick the door or attack from the back, and ward off rivalry masses with bare knuckles!

Check new racers for boys when you’re in mad love with cars! Drive your favorite Nitro on the hot highway for leadership. Tune it to meet your boldest expectations and take a ride in the car from dreams. Breach vehicles, steal vehicles, smash the gas down, and do crazy things prohibited on real roads and sidewalks.

What a delicious feeling it is when a daunting riddle surrenders to you! Quizzes and puzzles are perfect gum for the brain you can munch on for hours even after you close the game. Challenge yourself with scary Hello Puppets, crazy indies like Papira Roboto, or eternal Machinarium.

If you love making difficult decisions, welcome to war strategies! Reign over your own empire in Total War and face all the consequences of your choices. Diplomacy, trades, occupations, exterminations—the fate of nations depends on your wits and a strong hand.

Horror games take a special place in our hearts. The thrill of stalking, uncertain hides, runaways make your blood pound from the nearness of deadly danger. To reboot your brain, you should only find a good thriller for boys.

These and lots of other genres you can find on this site. Choose the most attractive game to play right now!