Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!


Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!
Game Description:

At first glance, Doki Doki Literature Club Plus is not different from the previous version. Because all the interesting stuff happens in the main menu. Click a new tab, log into the developer’s system, and get access to a hundred wallpapers, backstage presets, sketches, and notes. Listen to 26 soundtracks in the built-in player while searching passwords to locked folders. This feels more like a hacker simulator, where you will be rewarded with 7 new cute episodes.

To unlock them, write verses to all three girls except Monika, and partitioned stories will unlock in a special desktop library. They won’t feature the boy, as each chapter focuses on one of the girls. You will understand that they’re closer than you’ve been thinking and trace the roots of their anxieties.